How Do We Grow?
As followers of Jesus, our goal isn’t just niceness – our goal is Christlikeness.
For Jesus to increase in our lives though, it requires more than just trying to be a good person, we must make room for him to increase and for us to decrease. This goes beyond looking at our flaws and requires that we fix our eyes on Jesus. To spend time with Him daily. To prioritize him. To consider what He is like, and to do the things that He did, so that our affections for Him grow.
Practices that help us look to Jesus more like solitude, or scripture reading, or prayer, don’t cause Jesus to love us more – but they do help us love Him more. These practices have been observed by Christians for thousands of years, and we want to help you in your journey of growing in Christlikeness.
If you’re new to practicing the ways of Jesus, we’ve put together some resources below that may help you become more like Him, to do what he did, and most importantly, to be with with Him.