


The purpose of LoveENC is to seek the welfare of our city (Jeremiah 29:7); to encompass several ministries within One Harbor Church that are focused on loving the people of our communities while glorifying God. We, as God’s people are called to live, eat and multiply in the cities where we live – to steward God’s resources well (Proverbs 21:20), bear one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2), and bear the image of Christ to all those we encounter (John 20:21).

Our Vision

Our hope is to use these ministries as a way to build God’s Kingdom on earth; to show others Christ’s love equally and without discrimination.  We desire that each person we encounter would come to know that they are loved by God, valued by God, and worthy to be loved – by having a true relationship with Jesus.

We love ENC because Jesus loves ENC: that is our heart.

Our Mission

As part of One Harbor Church, LoveENC exists to make disciples, push back darkness, all for the sake of the Gospel.  We want to focus on pushing back darkness in our communities.  


Pushing back darkness is Gospel Demonstration


It was Jesus’ intent that His church be a city set on a hill, penetrating the darkness with His light (Matt 5:14-16). When Jesus Christ becomes our King, all of our life comes under his Lordship, and it transforms how we live in such a way that it confronts the darkness around us. The way our faith integrates with our work, the way we care for the poor and marginalized, and the way we love one another in a reconciled community of faith all expose the darkness around us as we walk as children of light (Eph 5:8-11). The way the church lives and loves gives the world a preview of the kingdom of God.


Serving In Community

Being a part of Christian community means serving with our spiritual gifts for the benefit of our community and the world. Spiritual gifts aren’t meant to be used in isolation, they are each a necessary part of a whole body. The body grows as the members serve in the ways they are gifted. Also, the community can better serve and go on mission in the world with all of it’s members functioning in their gifts (1 Cor 12:12-27).


Serving Our Community

As Christians, we are saved through Jesus’ selfless actions on the cross, through that salvation we are free.  We are called to use this freedom to serve others through love (Galatians 5:13).  We will serve our communities and those who live in them to the best of our ability, with grace and love, without bias and discrimination. 




Click on one of the icons below to learn more about the ministries we are serving in within our community.




The Gospel