We are here because Jesus wants us here – and Jesus wants us here to make a difference!
His church is not meant to sit on the sidelines while the community around us suffers. We are not supposed to stay safe and clean until Jesus rescues us. But for too long, that is what many Christians in small towns like ours have done. Instead, Christians are to see themselves as missionaries to the places we live and engage in the flight to see restoration in the lives of those effected by these problems.
“Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.” – John 20:21 (ESV)
Our vision is to, together with others already working with addicts around us, see people set free from addiction and to come alongside those suffering from the consequences of addiction in our community.
Specifically, we want to focus on two areas of need. First we want to help people get to detox and Christian-centered long-term rehabilitation. We commit to helping them overcome whatever financial, legal or transportation related barriers stand in their way. Second, we want to help them transition successfully back into society.
The reentry piece is often the most challenging. Many people relapse because they don’t have adequate transportation, a sober and supportive living environment, a job and/or a community of peers and leaders who are cheering them on and holding them accountable. Without these things, former addicts will be forced to depend on old networks of relationships that are dangerous and unhealthy. We believe wholeheartedly that long term sobriety take long term commitment to walk alongside men and women well after they have left rehab.